
Although Testing is the fourth stage of the Software Development Process, it is carried out throughout the previous three stages as well. This is because the process as a whole is iterative. This is helpful as it is much more cost effective to fix problems at the earlier stages of the process.


There are 3 different types of Test Data Sets: Normal Data; Extreme Data and Exceptional Data.

Normal Data: This is data that test to see if the program works as expected. For example, in a simple program where the program decides whether a student passes or fails a test, and the pass mark being 50, normal test data would be 72 and 29. The program should display Pass and Fail respectively.

Extreme Data: This type of data set is used to test the boundary’s of the program. So in the Pass/Fail program, the extreme data could be 49, 50,100,101.

Exceptional Data: This data set tests to see if the program can handle unexpected units. So in the Pass/Fail program data such as abc, 100,000, cat, etc..


Phases of Testing:

1. Procedure / Module Testing – This is where the individual parts of the code and modules are tested.

2. Integration Testing – This is where the modules are tested to see if they work together.

3. System Testing – The testing of the overall program.

4. Acceptable Testing – This is when the client tests the program to see if it matches up to what they want.

5. Alpha / Beta Testing – This is when the software is sent out for users to test.








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